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TerrifiCon 2024

So my first trip to TerrifiCon was a success!! I had an amazing time, and got to meet a ton of new people, while getting to hang out with some old friends. The highlight of the event, I got to meet Skottie Young, Yondu and Princess Vespa!! All of them were amazing people and truly good to their fans.

Next up, Granite State Comic Con. So if you didn’t get a chance to see me yet, and you’ll be in the New Hampshire area, be sure to swing by!!

End of Summer

With Fall starting next week (I know officially it doesn’t, but for me September 1st is the start of Fall) I only have one more show scheduled for 2023, the second annual Comic Book Fest in Athol on October 14th. I hope you have a chance to swing by and say hi, as last year was an amazing time!! Plus if you didn’t get to see me last week at Plastic City Comic Con, this could be your last chance!!

The Other Side…

So the other day I launched “The Other Side” an homage to the Far Side. Hoping you guys enjoyed it, and was wondering what you guys thought. I think you guys can leave comments, so let me know so I can keep it going if scrap it. I know it was only one, but I guess let me know if you like the format and the idea behind it I guess… 🤷‍♂️

5K Milestone!!

The new website hit 5000 views today!! I know things are sporadic, and I can’t apologize enough for that, but I just want to give a huge shout out and thank you for all of you who never gave up on me. SOTB is something neat and dear to my heart, and keeps me more sane than you know.


The Big Announcement…

Some of you have been wondering what the big news might be, others of you have been patiently waiting. The thing that everyone has really wondered is what is going on with Sydney or the Bush. SOTB has always at some level mimicked my life, whatever is going on with me, has a way of finding its way into JACK’s life. As you all know I was going to take May off because I had some things going on in my life that needed my attention, and I needed to figure out. As the days passed by I thought long and hard about who I was as an artist and what SOTB was to me. I have always said that my dream job was to draw cartoons for Disney, yet nothing I did was guiding me down a path to that end. I have always lived by the mind set that anything is possible, you just need to figure out how to do it. So as insurmountable as it seems, I truly do want to draw cartoons for Disney, so I’ve made the decision that I am going to start heading down that path. Besides, I grew up on Saturday morning cartoons. I think the World is messed up right now because there are no Saturday morning cartoons. So that is why I have decided that SOTB will now be an animated series on my YouTube channel. I know it will be rough at first, and I might lose some of you along the way, but how cool will it be to see JACK and the gang moving and talking like they should. I’m truly excited about it, and I hope you all will stick with me during this transition, and we can all take this magical ride together. Who knows, maybe in the future we’ll all be going to Flapjack World for vacation and riding the “Chocolate Thunder from Down Under” ride…. 🤔