What Happened?

A lot have people have been reaching out and asking what happened to the strip, and up till now I haven’t been talking about it. For whatever reason, still not sure yet, I have lost strength in my right thumb which makes it extremely difficult to hold my pencil. Whenever I try and grip things, it just stops working and I drop whatever it is I am holding. It feels really weird but it is what it is. I hope things will get better and I can return to drawing soon, but for now I just can’t…. But thanks to those who have reached out.

What’s the delay?

Some of you may have noticed a gap since the last strip. I am currently dealing with a personal issue that has my attention, so the strip is currently on hold. I apologize for this, as things have been flowing quite well lately. I hope to be back up and running soon. Thank you for your understanding.

The New Year

So I haven’t been on here in a while, so I thought while I had a couple of minute, I would reach out to everyone. First of all, I can’t say enough how much I am LOVING the new website. I know there is a lot more work that I need to do, but I feel it is in a good place right now and is functioning well. If anyone is having any issues with it, PLEASE let me know.

On a personal note, last year was ROUGH to say the least. I hope everyone is managing the best that you can under the circumstances. Just thing though, if you are reading this, you made it through 2020, so how much worse can it get?? I guess we will find out on January 21st… 😀

I’ve been wicked busy lately, which for me is a good thing. I tend to get myself in trouble when I sit idle for too long. I got a commission over the holiday’s which went amazingly well. Got to work on an ad for an upcoming comic, and I’m actually ahead on the strip again, which is always a great place to be, cuz I feel they’re better when I don’t have to rush them out and I can take my time. As you should know by now, I am back on the 3 days per week schedule again, which I LOVE.

I really want to take SOTB to a new level this year. It has been a strip for 6 years now…. CRAZY RIGHT!?!?!? It’s time for it to get something bigger and better. So I will be looking to everyone to help me out as I try and make that happen.

Well I guess I have babbled enough for one post. Hope you all are well and healthy, and lets go kick 2021’s ASS!!!!!

The Holidays

I really love the holiday season, and although Thanksgiving gets forgotten a lot, I do love it. I remember when I was a kid my cousins that I didn’t see all that often would come over, and it was just a very special time. I love the food and the weather, especially here in New England. People don’t stop and appreciate things anymore. But on a comic note, right now I’m hoping you all are enjoying the First Thanksgiving story that is going on right now, and I can’t wait for you guys to see part 3 on Wednesday. If it goes over well, I just might do one for Christmas. So be sure to comment so I know if you guys are enjoying it or not…. But for now, take care and I’ll hopefully see you guys on Wednesday.